Sewing a Galentine Palentine Valentine Pin Cushion + $15 Kit

Sewing a Galentine Palentine Valentine Pin Cushion + $15 Kit

Galentine, Palentine, Valentine's Day

These would make a great gifts. The idea of using a heart as a Pin Cushion is kind of funny, too. Yes & I said it out loud. And I'm laughing. Ha Ha.

Pin Cushion Kit, Merino Pin Cushion Kit, Heart Felt Pin Cushion Kit


additional 5x8" felt  ($3 each) via e-mail


After I posted the video on YouTube, I secured my pin cushion to the top of a heart-shaped tin with a velcro patch which I'm also using to attach it to an elastic wrist band to wear it as I work.

Link for the tins

Slow Stitching

I've begun to do more stitching as a way of transitioning from evening to bedtime leaving my devices downstairs as I head up to sew until I fall asleep.


I didn't mention much about the filler used in the pin cushion in the video, and I want to address this in more detail.

There are so many options but you want to make sure what you use is dry.

The  first cushion I ever sewed was stuffed with the tissues I'd cried into the day my rabbit, Weatherwax, died (and I played Bye Bye Miss American Pie - not really) but this next part is true ... I came to at the end of the day ... lying on my bedspread with an entire empty packet of kleenex strewn about in crumpled balls all around me and decided I'd hide myself away a little longer and sew a soggy secret cushion for my doll to lie her head upon as we lay comforting one another.

That was  all while I wasn't holding it to my eyes as I cried another river.

Later, from my 3rd floor bedroom window I watched as my father buried my bunny.

Dad didn't know I watched as he knelt before the little bundle I'd wrapped him in and dug a hole under the dogwood tree then paused before covering him up.

I liked that he chose just beneath my window. I was fortunate.

I eventually stopped crying and my cushion dried and was eventually tossed into the cardboard box that was my doll's house.
For this movie star of a pin cushion, I used scraps left after cutting a few hearts out of the designer sheet of 1.2 mm red merino felt. I cut the pieces into roughly 1/4" x 1/4" smaller bits and packed the pouch, created by blanket stitching the two hearts together rather tightly, pushing the felt bits as deep into the top and both sides as I could, before sewing the last 2" up along the edge.


There are any number things a pin cushion can be filled with. Wool roving would be an excellent choice as well if you are interested in maintaining the purity factor.

I've read about saw dust being used and even walnut shells which I suppose would have to be ground quite fine.

I wonder what other fillings would be good?

Fabric Frequencies

According to Tachyon Energy, Wool has an extremely high frequency. Linen does as well. Both are rated at 5,000 but drop to 0 if worn together! Silk and Cotton not so high (unless it's Organic Cotton, but then it's only rated 100). The human body's frequency is around 100 and so we want to cover ourselves in fabrics that resonate at higher frequencies to not have them pull energy from us if we're to procure their healing properties. Here's a link to a study measuring fabric frequencies, and another on the healing powers of linen and wool.

Pin Cushion Sachets

The next pin cushions I sew with also be sachets. I also like the idea of being able to wear them on your wrist as you sew so they're ... wait for it ... close at hand. I'll fill one with dried lavender, and another with rose petals and others with dried herbs like rosemary, sage or even citrus leaves or peels from my garden. They can sit on my night table where I will smell them as I slow stitch myself to sleep at night.

Needle Sharpeners

I have some smaller felt hearts in mind that I'll make into rings to get ready to sew that I want to fill with fine sand to keep my needles sharpened.

If you have other ideas as to what fillers to use, please let me know, and thanks for reading if you've gotten this far.

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