The Gardens & Botanical Inspired Accessories

The Gardens & Botanical Inspired Accessories

This is about as much as I do for the holidays.

I make behind my desk look festive.

I do though I have a favourite Santa ornament that's been with me since my very 1st Christmas.

November was a busy month ... getting all the plants safely stored away for Winter on the roof and at the allotment.



The fiddle figs get tucked away in the recessed South Window Bedroom Nook with a grow light above them, but most wind up in the bright South LivingRoom Window downstairs.

I'm sharing a few shots, showing how things come together at this time of the year, while I sort through what goes where again after all the Summer fun.

I keep the large greenhouse frame up year 'round because it's screwed into the deck. I rebuild the smaller greenhouse inside it every year and use it's footprint for pots cuddled together and lifted off the deck sitting on shelves.

These photos make it all look easy.

It's not - haha.

That's because I plan things out and then I don't go back over my notes AND I don't read directions before putting things like greenhouses together. I find it easier to make mistakes by trial and error. It feels easier than wrapping my mind around what all the AAA, BBB, A1, B1, B2's mean ... not to mention YYYa's. 

I think you'll agree with me.

I give myself a day to build the little greenhouse.

Once that's done, I have to fill up the shelves behind it with all the things I won't need until the cover comes off both greenhouses again in April or May.

This means holding back potting soil and tools I need for seed starting in February.

You get the idea.

This year, I managed this part really well. It was a first!!!

The covers go on more easily than you might think.

That is, if you get them right the first time (which I've done before) so that's how I know.

This year, though I put the big greenhouse cover on inside out first and had to take it back off after I realized I couldn't get away with leaving it like that because it meant I wouldn't be able to velcro the tabs to the frame. So off it came and then I had to ensure I didn't make the same mistake twice ... but I did. I was astounded with myself and thought what a good thing it was that I'd given myself a whole day to do it.

You would think that the small cover would go on first. But oh no. I have to be able to get behind it to secure those velcro tabs to the frame of the big greenhouse AND so off it came after going on the right way initially. It's a tight little dance under all those poles getting everything right and then later when I was reputting the small greenhouse cover on again, I had to restart twice.

All in all, I used a half day to get the covers on and used the rest of the day wallowing in the glory of my success.

I brought tea up and sat under the glow of the solar lanterns as I relaxed and tweaked more of the small stuff.

I keep the space outside the small greenhouse (inside the large greenhouse) clear so I can sit with coffee and catch some early morning sunshine while I check to make sure all is well with the plants inside - especially on the coldest mornings.

I have something called an Inkbird that turns on a little heater on and keeps the inside of the big greenhouse between 1°C and 4°C.

At this time of year

I like to do a bit of walking on the spot too to keep warm.

Check me out in the video below!!!

The shop is still under renovation as I learn new tricks - the old ones don't seem to be working all that well anymore - eeek!


I made time to top up bouquets 

of the

Rose Merry Pop-Ins & The Cotton Knotties

There should be enough for everyone.

Because of the Postal Strike, I've added Gift Certificates to the shop, too, in hopes the strike will be over by Christmas, or shortly thereafter. If not, at least the couriers won't be as run off their feet. It also allows recipients to choose what they feel they might like best.

Here's the link to them



You can always get in touch with me by e-mail or leaving a comment below.



Here's to a Happy, Healthy & Safe Holiday Season!





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