XN The Polar Vortex Vlog

XN The Polar Vortex Vlog

This is the first long-form video vlog on my new YouTube channel, XNtricities. 

Last year I toyed with the idea of starting a new channel but then I couldn't quite figure out how to seamlessly integrate it in with the gardens or what I'm doing with oneseedwonders.ca soOOooo these shorts below fell by the wayside. 

In creating them, though, I did learn a few video editing skills that have come in handy.

... and we're off

I'm not sure how often I'll schedule the long-form vlogging, 'day in the life of' uploads yet. I'm assuming I'll get faster at this as I do more!

Send me an e-mail at brenda@xntricities.com or leave a comment below to let me know if you think once a week would be good.

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